Stephen Miles

Career background Professional services partner and CEO
Focus: Executive Coaching; Parental Coaching
Based in UK

Stephen is an experienced coach who gives his clients confidence and clarity to achieve their goals. He works with senior individuals and professionals sharing the value of his deep understanding of corporate challenges and the complexities of partnerships. He has particular experience of helping his clients navigate through organisational change and develop the skills necessary to influence a wider audience.

Stephen’s 30 years of experience in professional services, both as a transactional banking lawyer and as a leader, gives him invaluable knowledge of the world of his clients. This enables them to get to the heart of matters and achieve their own particular and sustainable success. Stephen’s approach is professional, personable and candid. He will challenge his clients with trust and openness to fulfil their potential. As a father, he will do so whilst enabling them to maintain that important balance between their families and work.

Stephen has a detailed knowledge of the banking and private equity sectors. He has also been a champion of diversity and inclusion throughout his career and was the board sponsor for the women’s network in one of his former firms. He is dedicated and committed to his clients and passionate about supporting them to grow in their roles. He wants his clients to develop the skills needed to continue to flourish throughout their careers.