Executive Coaching

 Melia Easingwood

United Kingdom
Strategy & Management Consultant
Strategy & Business Development Executive
Executive Search & Origination for Private Equity Clients

Melia focuses on coaching executives predominantly in the Professional & Financial Services, and Media and Technology Sectors that are going through a professional transition and would like support around navigating through it.

Her coaching style is highly empathetic, fostering quick trust with clients. She pairs empathy with a results-driven approach to help clients reach their goals. Melia passionately believes in enabling clients to create meaningful change.

Some of the reported benefits that her clients gain include improved focus, leadership confidence, a strategic mindset, the ability to manage difficult work relationships, clarity around achieving personal and professional goals, and more impactful communication skills.


Before becoming an Executive Coach, Melia had a career spanning Management Consulting at McKinsey & Company, Strategy and Business Development at Hachette and Kaplan, and Executive Search for Private Equity clients. Having worked in global organisations and lived in Europe, the US and Asia, she has a good insight into different cultures and the challenges of working in multinational teams. Finally, having successfully changed sectors several times throughout her career, and navigated through three maternity breaks, she has both the skills and the personal experience to support anyone who is facing a career transition or returning from a break.

Melia has a BS in Finance, Management, and International Economics from NUY’s Stern Business School, an MBA from INSEAD and is qualified as an Executive Coach with Meyler Campbell. She is an accredited coach with the European Mentorship and Coaching Council and a member of the Institute of Coaching.