Executive Coaching

Dr. Jane Gaukroger

United Kingdom
Management Consultancy
Executive Education/Leadership Development
Academic Research

Jane’s focus in coaching is to create an opportunity to cultivate wisdom and strengthen the multiple intelligences needed to thrive in a complex and uncertain world. She often works with leaders at key moments of transition, whether taking on new challenges or responsibilities, on the pathway to promotion or dealing with unexpected opportunities or crises. Her focus is on working with strengths to build confidence, courage and energy for the future whilst also facing development needs and addressing limiting and unhelpful beliefs.

She brings strong attention to clarity of purpose and developing everyday practices which are aligned and consistent with this so that leaders operate with calm, vision and integrity. She supports clients to find a way to greater presence and impact through attention to what is happening at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and extrapersonal levels.

In coaching conversations she draws on a wide range of theories and activities to encourage fresh insight and breakthrough action. With kindness and care she uses her wealth of experience in each relationship and conversation to offer what is needed in context.


Jane has over 30 years' experience as a coach, organisational and leadership development consultant previously working with global consulting firms on a very wide range of people development assignments and as a member of the practice leadership teams. She draws on her own doctoral research on organisational wisdom and on developing wise leadership through coaching.  She is profoundly committed to work which contributes to healthy individuals, organisations and planet.